
lifestyle & responsible citizenship

Carlo Francisco Manatad

Cinéma / KinoCulture / Kultur

A selection of ten films that have shaped the cinematographic year 2021

For the last two years, the world has been experiencing extraordinary turbulence that has affected all sectors of society, including culture and cinema, which had already been undergoing various transformations and difficulties for several years. After these two years under pandemic, it appears that the creation is an essential good to the humanity, that the fact of living it collectively also and, as regards the cinema, that a film of cinema and made and thus must be looked at on a screen in a cinema room! Here is a selection of 10 films seen in theaters this year. The links point to reviews and interviews written in French by j:mag.

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Cinéma / KinoCulture / Kultur

Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) – Whether the Weather Is Fine (Kun Maupay Man It Panahon) de Carlo Francisco Manatad transforme une catastrophe naturelle en une expérience psychédélique!

Le 8 novembre 2013, le super-typhon Haiyan, traversait l’archipel des Philippines, laissant derrière son passage des dizaines de milliers de blessés, une dizaine de milliers de morts et disparus et des régions entières dévastées. Partant de cette tragédie, le cinéaste philippin Carlo Francisco Manatad prend comme décor sa ville natale Tacloban, en grande partie réduite en ruines après le passage de Haiyan.

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