Berlinale 2015Cinéma / KinoCulture / Kultur

Berlinale 2015 – Quote of the Day #7: Peter Greenaway

Après la projection de presse de son film Eisenstein in Guanajuato, Peter Greenaway, a parlé de son film avec beaucoup de force et d’esprit volontaire. De nombreuses citations peuvent être extraites de ce qu’il a dit, mais puisqu’il faut choisir…

A Russian journalist tells him that Russia denies censoring the script of the film.

You’re wrong, but it’s not a surprise, we all know how the censorship and propaganda strikes in your country! Let’s see, How is it that Russia never made a good film about Eisenstein? Because he is homosexuel…

Peter Greenaway - Eisenstein in Guanajuato © Malik Berkati
Peter Greenaway – Eisenstein in Guanajuato
© Malik Berkati

About cinema:

The digital revolution gives us extroardinary new fredooms, so I thin maybe the 120 years we have seen in cinema is only the prologue. Cinema begins now! (…) Cinema is there to be enjoyed. Let’s enjoy it!

Malik Berkati, Berlin

© j:mag Tous droits réservés

Malik Berkati

Journaliste / Journalist - Rédacteur en chef j:mag / Editor-in-Chief j:mag

Malik Berkati has 902 posts and counting. See all posts by Malik Berkati

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