
Cinéma / KinoCulture / KulturForum citoyen / Bürgerforum

Oscars 2019: Olivia Colman wins best actress, but yet again Hollywood shows it thinks film-making is a man thing

Another year, another Oscars Ceremony. Red-carpeted self-congratulations, the popping of flashes and the anticipation of the popping of corks at the many after parties for the rich and famous. And, once again, another Academy Awards in which no women were mentioned in the important category of best director.In the 91 years that the awards have been running, only five women have been nominated for this coveted award – and only one, Kathryn Bigelow, has come away with the statuette: this represents about 1% of nominees and winners. It’s a shockingly low statistic, even when you take into account that a mere 8% of Hollywood’s top 250 films in 2018 were directed by women. In 2017 America’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission found Hollywood to be guilty of discrimination against female directors, but as yet there have been no significant shifts in the number of women directing.

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Cannes 2018Cinéma / KinoCulture / Kultur

Cannes 2018 : le Maroc est représenté à Cannes avec «Sofia» de Meryem Benm’Barek

La jeune cinéaste franco-marocaine Meyem Benm’Barek s’est vue sélectionnée son premier long métrage, Sofia, projeté à Cannes dans la catégorie Un certain regard. Le film s’ouvre sur un article de loi appliquée au Maroc qui interdit toute relation hors mariage entre hommes et femmes. Si une femme célibataire se retrouve enceinte, elle est condamnée à la prison. En 2015, le court métrage de Meryem Benm’Bare, Jennah, avait été sélectionné aux Oscars. Avec ce premier long métrage, la cinéaste permet aux public international de voir la réalité du Maroc à travers la lunette axée sur le combat des femmes.

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Culture / KulturForum citoyen / BürgerforumLittérature / Literatur

Appeal to the Myanmar Government concerning the Rohingya

j:mag support this appeal initiated by the international literature festival berlin (ilb)
We, writers at the international literature festival berlin (ilb) and International Congress for Democracy and Freedom, condemn the treatment of Rohingya people by Aung San Suu Kyi and the government of Myanmar.

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