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Berlin: Partizipatives „Demokratie-Labor“ im Deutschen Historischen Museum ab 4. April 2019

Demokratie lebt von der Partizipation und dem Engagement aller und ist von einem kontinuierlichen Aushandeln verschiedener Meinungen und Positionen geprägt. Im Rahmen seines Demokratie-Schwerpunkts 2019 ab dem 4. April nimmt das Deutsche Historische Museum in einem interaktiven Demokratie-Labor die gegenwärtigen gesellschaftlichen Aushandlungsprozesse in den Blick und lädt zur kritischen Reflexion ein, wie Demokratie in Deutschland gelingt und auch in Zukunft gelingen kann.

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Cinéma / KinoCulture / Kultur

Öffentliche Sichtungen im Kino Arsenal in Berlin, 10. und 13.03.2019 : re-selected und Harun Farocki Institut

Im März präsentieren zwei Projekte von „Archive ausser sich” Öffentliche Sichtungen im Kino zeigt Experimentalfilme von Kenneth Anger, Bruce Baillie, Bruce Conner, Larry Gottheim, Standish Lawder, Marie Menken, Robert Nelson, Ron Rice, Lee Savage und Anita Thacher, die 1989 in einer Retrospektive zum Abschied Karola Gramanns als Leiterin der Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen aufgeführt wurden. Das Harun Farocki Institut präsentiert zwei Filme von Jean Rouch aus dem Archiv des Arsenal.

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Cinéma / KinoCulture / KulturForum citoyen / Bürgerforum

Oscars 2019: Olivia Colman wins best actress, but yet again Hollywood shows it thinks film-making is a man thing

Another year, another Oscars Ceremony. Red-carpeted self-congratulations, the popping of flashes and the anticipation of the popping of corks at the many after parties for the rich and famous. And, once again, another Academy Awards in which no women were mentioned in the important category of best director.In the 91 years that the awards have been running, only five women have been nominated for this coveted award – and only one, Kathryn Bigelow, has come away with the statuette: this represents about 1% of nominees and winners. It’s a shockingly low statistic, even when you take into account that a mere 8% of Hollywood’s top 250 films in 2018 were directed by women. In 2017 America’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission found Hollywood to be guilty of discrimination against female directors, but as yet there have been no significant shifts in the number of women directing.

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Brève / KurznachrichtCinéma / KinoCulture / KulturForum citoyen / Bürgerforum

Die DEFA-Stiftung präsentiert 100. Todestag Rosa Luxemburg 7. Januar 2019 im Kino Arsenal Berlin

Am 15. Januar jährt sich die Ermordung Rosa Luxemburgs zum 100. Mal. Mit drei dokumentarischen Arbeiten nähert sich der erste Programmblock der Lebens- und Gedankenwelt der linken Politikerin. Renate Drescher skizziert in Rosa Luxemburg – Stationen ihres Lebens unter Verwendung seltener historischer Dokumentaraufnahmen ihren Lebensweg. Róza Berger-Fiedlers Liebster Dziodzio gibt mit assoziativen Bildmontagen zu Briefzitaten von Rosa Luxemburg an ihren Lebens- und Kampfgefährten Leo Jogiches Einblicke in ihre Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt.

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Forum citoyen / BürgerforumPress release

Ibn Rushd Prize 2018 – Extention of the period for nomination: deadline December 31, 2018

The Ibn Rushd Prize 2018 calls for a caricaturist who criticizes or ridicules political, religious or social leaders and authorities.

A caricature is an exaggerating drawing highlighting the negative characteristics of what it depicts in order to criticize it. This way of criticizing seems to be deeply rooted in the human mind – historians argue that the art of caricature started as early as the stone ages. Ancient Egyptians were the first to apply their critical imagery on paper (or papyrus), and are thus considered the pioneers of political cartoons, but caricatures were also found in drawings of Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Sumerians and Assyrians.

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Forum citoyen / BürgerforumInternet

Liberté d’in-expression : quand les États de l’Union européenne souhaitent sous-traiter la censure aux géants du web !

Le texte européen le plus liberticide de cette décennie est en approche

Hors un certain nombre de pays qui se sont opposés à ce texte, le Conseil de l’Union européenne vient d’acter un projet de loi au parfum pour le moins désagréable pour ce qui concerne les libertés publiques. Poussé par la gouvernance actuelle française, ce texte – peu médiatisé – pourrait s’avérer l’un des coups les plus violents jamais portés à la liberté d’expression dans les pays « démocratiques » de l’Union européenne. Le débat autour de ce texte va maintenant se poursuivre au parlement européen.

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Forum citoyen / Bürgerforum

The world’s disturbing inaction as the Genocide Convention turns 70

This month marks the 70th anniversary of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. This is a foundational piece of international law that was born out of the mass atrocities committed by the Nazi regime against European Jews during the Second World War.

Despite the passage of time, we can still find inspiration in the example of Raphael Lemkin. After fleeing to the United States when he lost his family to the Holocaust, Lemkin campaigned for the establishment of an international law to define and forbid genocide. When his resolution proposing the Genocide Convention was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, it became the UN’s first human rights treaty.

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Forum citoyen / Bürgerforum

Polens Staatspräsident Andrzej Duda ehrt in Luzern gemeinsam mit Geretteten den polnischen Diplomaten Konstanty Rokicki, der über 800 Juden rettete

Der polnische Konsul Konstanty Rokicki rettete gemeinsam mit seinen Mitstreitern der sog. „Berner Gruppe“ in den Jahren 1942/43 über 800 Juden in den Niederlanden, Polen, Deutschland, Österreich, Frankreich, der Slowakei und anderen europäischen Ländern das Leben. Mindestens 20 von ihnen leben noch heute. Am 9. Oktober 2018 wurde auf dem Friedhof von Luzern Rokickis neues Grabmal eingeweiht. An der Zeremonie nahmen auch der polnische Staatspräsident Andrzej Duda sowie mehrere Dutzend Überlebende mit ihren Familien sowie Nachkommen ihrer Retter teil.

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Forum citoyen / Bürgerforum

Kofi Annan: a complicated legacy of impressive achievements, and some profound failures

Kofi Annan (80) was an important historical figure who played a critical role in many key events of the 1990s and 2000s. His death is therefore an opportunity to both celebrate his life and to begin honestly assessing his contributions to the world.

The Ghanaian diplomat’s legacy is complicated. He served as both head of the United Nations peacekeeping and as Secretary General of the UN. His tenure in these high offices – from 1992 to 2006 – were marked by great human tragedies as well as episodes of progress. His role in these events raises difficult questions about individual responsibility and the role of international organisations and their leaders in creating a more peaceful and just world.

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Forum citoyen / Bürgerforum

Kofi Annan understood the limits of diplomacy, as well as why it’s important never to give up

Kofi Annan served as United Nations Secretary-General during a pivotal decade in modern world history – from 1997 to 2006. I would argue that his most important legacy was to focus the UN more on preventing and resolving deadly conflict within its sovereign members, while still trying to maintain peace and security among them.

How he developed and pursued ways and means to do this began much earlier in his UN career and persisted until his untimely death last week.

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